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Evolve Your Training

I am a fully certified Classical Pilates teacher living in Vancouver, BC, hold an MA in Evolutionary Medicine where my research focus is nutrition, body fatness, and weight management. I am presently pursuing my PhD in the same topic. I use the Pilates system of Contrology and my understanding of human evolution to help active individuals stay fit, healthy, and strong so they can run faster, cycle farther, and adventure more. 


Fully Certified Classical Pilates Teacher

Pilates, or Contrology — the art and science of control, is an exercise system that unifies the body, mind, and spirit. The Pilates system teaches students to use the mind to control and correct their physical movements by working with and against their bodyweight and spring weighted equipment. Pilates strengthens, stretches, and transforms the body by focusing on strengthening the core muscles and using the abdominals, back, and glutes (or “Powerhouse”) as the source of all movement. It is particularly useful for physically active individuals as it strengthens the smaller stabilizing muscles that are often ignored, and trains the individual to use the "powerhouse" as the source of their power. Ultimately, this allows for increased physical output. In addition to strengthening the whole body in a uniform fashion, the Pilates system incorporates stretching in every exercise so that by the end of every workout you feel taller and more mobile. Translation: your Pilates workouts will help repair the damage done from your weekend hike, bike ride, sail boarding, or what-have-you, whilst getting you stronger so that you can be ready for your next activity.


About Amalea: I am a fully certified Classical Pilates teacher living in the Vancouver area and researcher of human evolution. My MA thesis is on variation in human diets and the role that this variation has in present-day nutrition. I am currently in the third year of my PhD, where I use an evolutionary lens to investigate obesity, weight management, and body fatness. I have been teaching the Pilates system since 2017 and completed my 600-hour training program with Lili Viola Pilates in 2019. I am an athlete by hobby and spend my free time running, hiking, and trying any form of physical activity that I can. Pilates has helped me decrease the chronic ankle pain that I used to get on the downhill of every hike (any past figure skaters here with strong legs and weak ankles can relate, I'm sure), and improve my running time. I teach private and duet Pilates lessons as well as mat classes out of the fully equipped studio The Pilates Collective in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 

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    90 Canadian dollars

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    45 Canadian dollars

Amalea is a great Pilates instructor, transition to zoom classes during pandemic has been seamless.  Clear instructions, good variety, challenging classes both in person and online!

- Melissa D. 


1727 W Broadway #100, Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y2, Canada

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